Submit Match Report

Please send via email directly to web @ (don’t include the spaces around the @).

Articles on this site get hundreds of hits and are widely read. They are also automatically published to the LNJSA Facebook page.

Please note the following submission guidelines:

  • Deadline: 9pm Tuesday
  • Photos: Please include photos if you can.
  • Scores: Must not be reported in SSF games
  • Leagues: Please Include the age group/league you are reporting on.
  • Writing: Please spell grammar & check.
  • Length: Minimum 100 words. No maximum
  • Tone: No sledging players, officials or referees. Please write positively about your childrens’ games.
    Number: You can submit up to six (6) images.
    Caption: Rename the image to the caption you want on the picture.
  • Image Size: Images must be minimum size 1000px x 1000px
  • File Size: Please do not submit raw megapixel images, they are way too big and will timeout and not upload. Please use software to resize or compress the image first (not less than 1000px x 1000px). If you are unable to do this, please email you report to the address above.
  • Players: Only identify players by name with their parent’s permission.
  • Tone: Do not submit any image likely to cause ridicule or harm.

Responsibility: By submitting images, you take responsibility for the above.